Tuesday Men’s Group

A weekly process group for men

Fostering emotional intimacy
among men.

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As men, it can be challenging to know how to have authentic, engaged, and emotionally intimate relationships with other men. This ongoing process-oriented group for male-identified people will help you explore what it means to have emotional intimacy and authenticity with other men.


This ongoing weekly process group explores and helps foster emotional intimacy among men.

Tuesdays, 6-8pm

We meet in person in SW Portland

The cost is $55
per group session


The weekly process group aims for members to experience deeply meaningful connections with other men. We hold space and foster meaningful study of ourselves and what it is like to be seen, met, and supported by fellow men.


If you identify as a man and are interested in learning more or would like to apply to join the weekly men’s process group, please feel free to use the contact button below.

The group is currently full but I do have a waitlist for interested men.


May we, as men, come into connection, understanding, and compassion with ourselves and one another.

 Header photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash; bottom photo by Muhammed Fayiz also on Unsplash